Information Page
Tapestry Journals that have been made available as a PDF can be replicated into a printed book by Group Hugs at any time.
Printed Journals allow you and your child to reflect on their milestones and achievements
Encouraging your child to read their journal will give them a great sense of personal achievement
You can purchase additional copies as gifts to share with friends and relatives
The content of the printed book is based purely on the PDF that is generated in Tapestry. The PDF is generated by yourself or your child's teacher, key person, or childminder.
Please ensure that you have reviewed the PDF before proceeding with an order as it is not possible to cancel or amend an order once placed.
Group Hugs add a personalised cover and flyleaf pages. We do not and are not able to make edits to the content.
It is not possible to upload or select a photo via Group Hugs.
Please ensure you save the PDF in a safe location as you may want to order additional printed copies of your child's journal.
Please note Group Hugs are only able to reproduce original Tapestry generated PDFs.
Cover Formatting
If a cover page / contents page is present in your PDF (example below), the setting name and image on this page will be added to the front cover of the Journal.
Please note the image is not always of your child. If the image is a generic silhouette, or no image, a generic tree image will be shown on the front cover.
If ordering a seasonal cover no photo will appear on the cover, even if this is present in the PDF.

If the PDF starts with an observation (example below), no setting name will appear and the cover will contain a generic image.
The dates for the cover of the journal are taken from the first entry and last entry in the PDF.
Journals over 850 pages will be split into two equal volumes, Volume 1 and Volume 2 will be printed on each cover accordingly.
If ordering a seasonal cover the date is preset and will be as per the description in the drop down menu.